saw tooth wave
The Waveform's Resemblance to Teeth on blade of a saw gave it the name Sawtooth Wave. It is also called Saw Wave. These waves incline upwards and sharply drops down.
- schematic diagram
- Illustration of an electronic circuit with the components represented by their symbols.
- Schmitt trigger
- When an input signal to a digital circuit un- matches the characteristics of a digital signal it can have some sort of noise. This circumstance require a specialized circuit that will modify a signal and make it to actual or true digital shape. The required circuit can be said as Schmitt Trigger. But the trigger for this circuit to change forms is the input voltage state, instead of a digital pulse or more simply we can say that the output state depends on the input state
- Schottky diode
- High speed diode having very little junction capacitance.
- secondary
- Output winding of a transformer. Winding that is connected to a load.
- secondary cell
- Electrolytic cell used to store electricity.
An element which is neither a good conductor or a good insulator but mixture of two.
seven segment display
Device made of several light emitting diodes arranged in a numeric or alphanumeric pattern.
slide switch
Switch having a sliding button.
square wave
Wave that alternates between two fixed values for an equal amount of time
step-down transformer
Transformer in which the output AC voltage <>
step-up transformer
Transformer in which the output AC voltage > input AC voltage
switching transistor
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