Shift Registers are combination of number of Flip Flops. These are connected in a way that input signal is given to first flip flop and data is transported to another flip flop after another clock pulse is applied. Shift Registers are commonly used in Digital Electronics Circuits for storage of Binary data and delay of signals. The parallel data gets loaded into register as Serial/Parallel Control input goes High. We can use these registers for converting serial input data into parallel output and parallel input data into serial output. The parallel loaded number is shifted out serially by clock pulses. We can serially shift out parallel loaded number and keep that number in the register by connecting last output to the serial input.
Shift Registers are used for conversion of serial input data into parallel output data and vice versa. Shift Registers are a group of flip flops. Binary data can be shifted from one flip flop to next on each clock pulse.
Serial Data transfer is slower than the parallel data transfer because data goes through only one line whereas in parallel each bit requires its own separate path. Parallel Data can be cleared faster and requires less hardware.
Shift registers are a type of sequential logic circuit, mainly for storage of digital data
- Shift registers
- Shift registers are a type of sequential logic circuit
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